Originally established in 1990, Pereyra & Asociados is a full service Law Firm with ample experience in assisting foreign corporations and individuals, with a well earned reputation of rendering cost effective and efficient services to its clientele.
The Firm has nineteen lawyers and qualified personnel who provide the high quality and personalized services that the firm is known for, within a wide range of legal expertise. It maintains close relationships with numerous Law Firms located in different parts of the world that enable it to channel its clients concerns related to other jurisdictions.
Pride in our work. Pride in our clientele. Committed to approach our tasks as a team of professionals seeking a common goal: to protect our clients interests with honesty, responsibility and efficiency.
Excellence is our commitment, since, in order to achieve the best for our clients we are prepared to give the best of ourselves.
We are committed to preserving the environment, that is why our office was built and functions with the environment as a priority.